Building A Strong FamilY

Strong (adj.) possessing skills and qualities that create a likelihood of success; 
able to withstand great force or pressure.

At some point, every one of our families will face difficult challenges. It is inevitable. How we manage these challenges will often depend upon the foundation, skills and hope we have built along the way. 

If the families in our churches and communities are strong, we will endure. If we are compromised, our families run the risk of collapsing. We all come from Imperfect and Normal Families, so we know we can’t do this on our own. We need each other. We need God. We need help. 

Through retreats, conferences, personal coaching and resource development, Barrett and Jenifer Johnson are committed to helping people build strong and successful family relationships. We can consult with your church, organization or family to help get you moving in the right direction.  

See a list of topics and issues that we love to teach. Utilize our booking form to inquire about us speaking at your event.

Search more than 300 posts within the INFO blog for the encouragement or tools you are looking for. 


Email us at coaching@infoforfamilies to set up a phone consultation to coach you through your unique situation. 

Browse some videos of Barrett, Jenifer and a number of other great teachers that we love.

Contact us at if there is anything we can do to serve you.