Jenifer's Perspective: Biblical Womanhood

To start with, I don’t claim to have all the realities of Biblical womanhood figured out.   I do know that God keeps calling me to continue to set the bar high for what He would have us to do and be as we walk with Him, encourage our husbands, and raise our children to follow Christ.  And I’m honored to get to speak into your life in this setting.


One simple challenge that I often give to women is to never stop learning.  God has so much to show us, if only we’ll offer Him a teachable spirit.  Without it, we’ll unknowingly allow ungodly tendencies and habits to sneak into all of our relationships.  Some of the best ways to position yourself to keep growing include…


*Staying in the Word.  We cannot delete this vital necessity from our lives.  It is the single most powerful means to a transformed life. (Romans 12:2)  Utilize a Bible study resource or simply read through the One Year Bible.   Whatever you do, GET INTO THE WORD!


*Finding a Mentor.  Throughout the scriptures, we see the value of having someone come alongside us to challenge and encourage us in our faith.  On a personal note, I can’t say enough about the value of those women whom God has used to sharpen me!  If you don’t have someone like that in your life, begin to pray that God would lead you to someone.   In the meantime, be creative!  One of my favorite mentors is Nancy Leigh DeMoss who I listen to online at her website (  She has no idea who I am, but I have grown under her teaching nonetheless!


*Reading a Good Book.  Great authors can offer amazing and practical insights into every aspect of your life.  Make sure that they are Biblically-based and encourage a Christian worldview, or else it’s just self-help.  If you want a good book to start with, every woman should read Shaunti Feldhahn’s “For Women Only.”  Likewise, your husband should ready “For Men Only.”  (There’s also a brand-new “For Young Women Only” that offers great insights into the mind of the young men of today.)  These are sound, well-researched books that have the potential to revolutionize how you love your spouse.