The Great Date Experiment = Awesomeness for Couples

So here's the dilemma...

You feel compelled (or is it obligated?) to spend some quality time with your sweetheart. So you carve out a Friday night, book a babysitter, and jump in the car for a few hours of romantic bliss. But it rarely seems to work out that way.

The conversation in the car focuses working out your busy calendar. Dinner feels a little tense. And the movie, while a nice escape, doesn't do much to connect you together. There's only so much a shared jumbo popcorn can do.

Why is it that our good intentions sometimes fall flat? Why do our efforts to reconnect with our spouse not result in the "two becoming one flesh" experience we desire?

Perhaps we sometimes need a little help: a tool to point our "dates" in the right direction.

The good people at married life (a ministry of Northpoint Community Church) have developed a powerful resource made up of six great dates. They call it The Great Date Experiment.

On their website, they have posted downloadable guides to six great dates that focus on the big six essentials of a great marriage. They are all a lot of fun and perfect for getting you talking about the issues that matter most in your home. Best of all, they are rolled out in a creative way designed to help you to build some great memories together.

So make a commitment this fall to carve out some intentional time to build your marriage. Start with date number one and see how it goes. And be sure to tell your friends about it. We could all use some fresh ideas for communicating and connecting with our sweethearts!

Click here to get started.