Do You Have a Vision for Your Marriage and Family?

In the day-to-day grind of our lives, few of us take the time to consider what our ultimate vision is for our families. The stresses of life often force us to tackle one crisis at a time without a clear thought of what we are ultimately building in our homes.


In recent days, I have experienced this first-hand. Even those of us in "family ministry" can be so focused upon serving others in the church that we neglect to serve those that we share a home with. As a husband and a father, I have to recognize that my wife and children need and deserve my very best. When I lead my family "on the fly" (which I am prone to do), everybody suffers. Instead, God wants us to live our lives out of a sense of purpose that comes from Him as revealed in His Word.

With these issues in mind, I want to invite you to listen to the radio broadcast of FamilyLife for today (Monday, October 17) and tomorrow (Tuesday, October 18). Their guest is Rob Rienow of Visionary Family Ministries. I want you to listen because what he shares is paradigm-shifting stuff. It has the power to change how you lead your family. But I have another agenda, as well...

If you live in Atlanta (and go to Johnson Ferry), Rienow's interview can serve as a "teaser" for you. Rob will be with us at Johnson Ferry on Sunday morning, January 22. He will be teaching part one of his Visionary Parenting curriculum in a large-group Bible study format. Then, we will be encouraging all adult classes with children still at home to utilize his 8 week video study during the next few months. Rob's perspective is Biblical, powerful, and will serve to re-focus us all on what really matters.

So take a few moments to listen to his FamilyLife interview with Dennis Rainey. It's very good stuff.

You can find it online at FamilyLife Today.