Plan NOW to Make the Most of 2012...Before the Impending Apocalypse

I don't think there is any merit whatsoever to the to 2012 doomsday calendar hoopla. But just in case the world does come to an end by this time next year, we would all be wise to finish strong. With that in mind, the HomeLife Ministry at Johnson Ferry is putting together a bunch of great opportunities for your marriage and family.

Most Johnson Ferry people will get a "Save the Date" postcard in the mail (that looks like what you see below) sometime after Christmas, but this blog post is for people who don't read their mail. So get your 2012 calendar out and start making plans...



D62aef16f9Re|Engage is a marriage enrichment ministry that we will be launching on Wednesday nights in late January. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or is need of complete resurrection, Re|Engage will be a safe place for couples to move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. We hope and pray that this will be a game-changer for many marriages.




Family Focus Sunday will be a special quarterly gathering of adults from all over Johnson Ferry. Our first in 2012 will happen on January 22 in all three SBS hours. Dr. Rob Reinow (who will absolutely rock your world) will be our guest and his seven-week Visionary Parenting DVD will be utilized in many SBS classes in the weeks to follow. You can catch a bit of Rob's heart in this brief video.



Fd danceThe Father/Daughter Dance will be on February 9 and 10. This event sells out every year, so be prepared to get your tickets when they go on sale on January 9. We always need plenty of volunteers to help set up, decorate, and serve, so plan now to take part in creating this very special night for dads and their girls.              





The weekend of March 16-17 is our Couples Retreat, an overnight getaway designed to help "fan the flames" of your marriage. Held this year at the J. W. Marriott Buckhead, the weekend will feature an evening of dancing and dessert with live music and a DJ - it's sort of like a prom for adults where the church encourages you to sleep with your date. ;-)  Saturday morning will feature a buffet breakfast and some excellent marriage enrichment with Dr. Gary Rosberg (see below for more on Gary).



March 18 will be our second Family Focus Sunday of the year. Dr. Gary Rosberg (who will also be speaking at the Couples Retreat) will be with us in all three SBS hours. Gary is a best-selling author, nationally known speaker, and the founder of America's Family Coaches. Since I first heard Gary speak at Promise Keepers years ago, I have heard him dozens of times. He's always direct and inspiring.





We have scheduled a short Family Mission Trip over 4 days in Spring Break, March 31-April 3. We will be partnering with some of the ministries to international refugees in Clarkston, GA. This trip is perfect for families with elementary aged kids. It will run from Saturday through Tuesday, so it won't be too many days off from work.




Finally, mark your calendars WAY OUT in advance as we will be having a special Family Night at Johnson Ferry with comedian Tim Hawkins on July 28. Tickets are already available online and this event WILL sell out.



I know your schedule will be full this Spring, but I hope and pray that you take some time to focus on God's design for your family. There will be plenty of opportunities at Johnson Ferry to do just that. You can always go to the Family Ministry page at the Johnson Ferry website or call the HomeLife office at 678-784-5230 for more information on any of these ministries.

Until then, have a very merry Christmas!


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