Say "I Love You." But Don't Be Boring.

Are you running out of ideas for a creative Valentine's Day? Here's a great list from Relevant Magazine of simple and novel ideas, all designed to show your sweetheart how crazy in love you are.

Use these ideas for Valentine's Day. Or use them throughout the year.

29 Creative Ways to Say "I Love You."

Another idea would be to take them on a night away. If you live in Atlanta, we have just the thing for you.

Jenifer and I have learned that the best thing we can do to stay connected with one another is to regularly go away by ourselves. We arrange for childcare for our kids, book a nice hotel on Priceline, and spend 24 hours remembering why we fell in love in the first place. This practice has sustained the joy in our marriage, particularly during these child-focused years.

I want to invite you to Johnson Ferry's Celebration of Marriage Retreat, March 16-17. Held this year at the beautiful J. W. Marriott Buckhead, the weekend will feature an evening of dancing and dessert with live music and a DJ - it's sort of like a prom for adults where the church encourages you to sleep with your date. ;-) Saturday morning will feature a buffet breakfast and a few hours of excellent marriage enrichment with Dr. Gary Rosberg of America's Family Coaches. He will challenge and inspire you to finding God's best in your marriage. The rest of the day is yours to spend alone with your spouse. It's going to be an awesome 24 hours.

Registration is now open at the Celebration of Marriage link on the Johnson Ferry website. With Valentine's Day just a few days away, I think it's a great gift to give your spouse. It you are like me, quality time together is what is missing most in your marriage.

We hope you can join us!