Slow Down

This article originally appeared in the Winter 2009 Issue of the Blueprint HomeLife Newsletter


As I write this, my youngest daughter Maddie Kate is playing in the bathtub, just a few feet away from me. Because I have a busy morning with lots to do, I’m tempted to spend the 90 seconds it takes to bathe her and then quickly move on with my day.


But God tells me to slow down.


Bath time is one of Maddie's favorite things. She would play, splash, and laugh for hours if we let her. And while I'm not going to let her go that long, (though I'm tempted to see what a 22 pound human prune would look like) I'm giving her a few more minutes to enjoy her play time. I have almost as much fun as she does just watching her unbridled joy. It's moments like these that are easily missed.


I’ve missed many of them over the last 18 years of being a family man. Much of my adult life has been so busy that I have neglected countless moments that should have been treasured. And I regret it.  Because once they are gone, they are gone forever.


I’m not real big into New Year’s resolutions.  But I’m making one this year. And you can hold me accountable on this one: I’m going to savor as many little moments of joy with Jenifer and the kids as I possibly can.


I’m going to have more pillow fights.


I’m going to carve out some weekends for camping with the kids.


I’m going to wrestle with the boys more. And let them win.


I’m going to take more dates and have more romantic nights away with Jenifer.


I’m going to manage my work better so I can have more time at home.


I’m not going to let the outside world (whether it be work, extra-curricular activities, or whatever) take away from the simple joys of life that God has given me. Of course I’ll still fulfill the responsibilities that I have in life, but I’m going to stop giving my family my leftovers.


There are a lot of people who could do my job at work, but there’s only one person that can be husband to Jen and father to my kids. And God is calling me to give my very best to them.


When it comes to enjoying these treasured moments with our kids, someone once said that “the days are long, but the years are short.” I think that captures it perfectly. Time blazes by so very fast that we must be diligent to discover every little moment of joy that God offers to us.


Join me in entering the New Year with a new commitment to making the most of our days with our families. It’s something that we will never ever regret.