The Radical Experiment - A Challenge to Families

Nothing brings more guilt to "good Christian parents" than the area of family devotions. Leading our families to study, pray and worship together at home falls into the category of things that we feel we should do but don't.

Whether it's a busy schedule or the memories of awkwardness from our past experiences, sitting the family down together for intentional discipleship can be a huge challenge. Certainly, the enemy wants to keep it from happening.

Our friends at the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL have put together an excellent resource for families to use. Called "The Radical Experiment," they are challenging their church members to several key initiatives:


  1. 1. To pray for the entire world
  2. 2. To read through the entire Word
  3. 3. To commit our lives to multiplying community
  4. 4. To sacrifice our money for a specific purpose
  5. 5. To give our time in another context

One key component in the challenge is a weekly family devotion guide, designed to get families with children of all ages talking about these issues, considering the scriptures, and praying for the world.

Let me encourage you to go to the main Radical Experiment site to explore what they're up to. But also, I would love to challenge your family to take advantage of the weekly family devotions they have created. There are ideas for preschoolers on up to teenagers, so we can all find some creative tools to get our families talking about the Truth.

For a quick glimpse, click here to see the archive of the Family Worship guides. Then print the first one (it's okay if you're behind on the date) and find a night after dinner when you can walk through it together as a family.

This could be a great tool to get your family talking about what God is up to in our world and in your home.