More on Teens and Technology

Large_0212%20sleep I have been inundated with responses and comments about how our next generation teenagers are being shaped by technology. The extraordinary tools of cell phones, texting, and social networking truly are a powerful force that is shaping a totally new perspective on communication and even life for our young people.

If you are curious for more insights and research, I have come across a few articles that might help. Give them some prayerful consideration as to the relevance to your family.

A Conversation with Shane Hipps, Author of "Flickering Pixels". This is an excellent interview with Shane Hipps, the author of a powerful book on the impact of contemporary media on our lives. 

Millennials: This generation is diverse, educated and plugged-in.  An article by Ivey DeJesus on the general "plugged-in" nature of our kids.

 U.S. Students Suffering from Internet Addiction by Walden Siew. This is some interesting research pointed out to me by a "INFO for Families" reader. It seems that a teen's withdrawal symptoms from technology are similar to that of addictive drugs. 

Do You Need a Digital Sabbath? by Andrew Burden of Youth Specialties. He writes about taking regular time to disconnect from technology and how it actually has the potential to make you more effective in everything you do.