Summer Family Discipleship Ideas

For some families, summer can be just as busy as the school year. Between family trips, camps, activities, etc., the soccer mom at your house just changes schedules.

For other households, the summer provides an extra measure of free time. The question is, what do you do with your down time? Obviously, summer should be a time to relax and recover from a busy school year. Creating a long list of agenda items doesn't sound attractive to anybody.

Popsicle-kids But summer CAN be a time when parents develop an easy-going yet deliberate plan for discipling their kids.

Over the next few weeks, INFO for Families is going to offer a few suggestions for making the most of your time this summer. My prayer for your family (and for mine) is that when August gets here, YES we will have a great tan. YES we will be relaxed and ready to face another school year. And YES, we have taken some steps together to become more of what God would have us to be.  

So let's start with your feedback.

If you notice over in the right-hand column of the blog, we have a survey tool. We've just updated the survey with a question about your plans for family spiritual growth this summer. Take a few moments and let the rest of us know if you have any plans yet.

Also, feel free to leave a comment below with any ideas you feel that God is birthing within you. The rest of us would love to benefit from your head-start!