The Washington Post Affirms It: Couples Who Pray Together Stay Together

Couple-praying-mixed-MED People like me can stress the importance of married people keeping their spiritual life a priority. But people tend to blow me off because it's my job to say that.

But even secular research has affirmed this truth: that couples who regularly pray together are happier, stronger, and far less prone to divorce.

Read an amazing article that documents this trend in The Washington Post here.

So take a minute to consider the following questions:

How would you rate the spiritual life in your marriage? Are you riding on the coat tails of your spouse? What are you doing to regularly invite God into your life and marriage? When was the last time you prayed with y our spouse?

God desperately wants to be involved in your marriage. And he offers the kind of assistance that no self help book can give. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you.