Adoption... All the Cool People are Doing It

So here it is, a Saturday night in Atlanta and I'm at the Verizon Ampitheater for a concert featuring TobyMac, Third Day, and Michael W. Smith (who I didn't know was still recording music...if he doesn't play "Friends," I'm going to demand a refund.)

You'd think I could escape the adoption theme of this week at a rock concert. You'd be wrong.

I knew that Steven Curtis Chapman has adopted. And Geoff Moore. And TobyMac. And who knows who else in the CCM industry.

Then, tonight during TobyMac's set, Mac Powell of Third Day comes out on stage to help out with a song. On his hip is a sweet little one year old with gigantic noise-blocking headphones on his head. Who is this kid?

Turns out that it's Mac's 5th child, recently adopted. You can read the awesome story of it at the following link.

I'd share more but I'd miss the concert. And my thumbs don't type well on this dinky iPhone screen.