This Commercial Aboslutely Nails It

Sometimes a commercial tugs at our heart strings. They put just the right formula of emotion and schmaltz into a 30 or 60 second spot that we find ourselves tearing up. I hate it when that happens. I feel tricked. Rarely does the emotion move me to want to buy the product.

But then I saw this commercial for the Principal Financial Group. In addition to sharing a beautiful story in a minute, they give value and credence to a path that a few heroic and sacrificial people are choosing to take these days.

I want to give these people all my money. I don't know or care what they will do with it, but I want to be in business with a company who shares a story like this.

On the other hand, Jesus told us not to "store up treasures on earth." So that may not work.

What is wonderful about this clip is that it perfectly illustrates a family "storing up their treasures in heaven." May we all be more like them. (Click the image below to view the commercial.)