10 Proactive Ways to Protect Young Minds from Porn

If you have heard us speak on the impact of pornography, you have heard us say that the average age of first time exposure to hard core porn is somewhere around 10 or 11 years old. And to be clear, that’s not when they encounter a naked person…most kids stumble onto explicit videos that leave no room to the imagination. It’s all there.

We recommend talking with your kids about porn far earlier than you want to. It fits in with our motto for just about everything that deals with sex education in your home:

“You want your kids to hear about __________ from you before they hear about it from someone else.”

Insert the word “porn” above. And just about everything else that our fast-moving world is going to throw at your kids. You have to get there sooner than you think.

The big question we get is, “How do I talk about porn with my kids when they may not even know what sex is yet?”

Our go-to answer is to take advantage of a book called “Good Pictures, Bad Pictures” by Kristen Jenson. It is a simple little “story book” that contains incredibly valuable content. It walks you and your kids through why they need an action plan to guard their eyes from explicit content.

Click on the image below to find out more about the book:

Below is a long-ish video of Jenson speaking at the 2018 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit. If you are parenting a young mind, it is worth 30 minutes of your time.

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