How to Keep Kids Safe Online (Check out this huge infographic)

Every parent knows that technology has opened up a whole new world to our kids. In turn, it has opened up a whole new dimension of parenting. We have to stay on top of trends and be mindful of what our kids are doing online.

Ana Bera of Safe At Last has created a content-rich infographic designed to help parents easily digest and understand many off the issues impacting our children and teens. She has allowed us to share it here.

Here’s what Bera has to say about the infographic:

This is where you’ll learn all the most recent information on internet safety for kids and the real scale of potential threats. We collected information from reputable sources: comparative studies with over 100,000 participants, government websites, child protective services, and cybersecurity companies. In addition, we examined all aspects of children’s online behavior, including smartphone ownership, time spent online, time spent on social networks, and positive as well as negative online experiences.

You’ll see detailed descriptions of kids’ exposure to the most common online threats, including cyberbullying, scams, adult content, and online predators. 

We also listed just how aware both kids and parents are of issues like online safety for kids, cyberbullying, and children’s overall online presence. Do kids turn to their parents when they need help with online harassment? Do parents talk to their kids about how to stay safe online? Do they use parental control software? To what degree?

We conclude with some tips on staying safe on the internet. We also included tools and resources that can help you monitor and optimize your kids’ online behavior. We want to help them make the most of the internet without falling victim to its many pitfalls.

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