The Talks

The Talks


A book for any parent who wants to help their kids navigate our hyper-sexualized culture.

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ALSO AVAILABLE IN AUDIOBOOK FORM. Find it on Audible or Amazon.

Every parent fears having “the talk.” But what many fail to realize is that one conversation isn’t enough. Your kids need so much more! The home must become a place where your family can talk comfortably and honestly about sex and relationships. 

The Talks will help you to… 

  • Focus on 15 conversations that every family must have about sex and dating.

  • Lay the right foundation on critical issues with your younger children.

  • Develop a practical approach to opposite sex relationships for teens.

  • Find healing from your own past so you can help your kids make wise choices.

Click here to find out more about the book and read an excerpt from the introduction.

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